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Monthly Charity Donations

Red Properties consciously supporting local charities through our dress down Friday initiative. 




November 2018 - Jersey Rescue Dogs

Founded in 2007, Jersey Rescue dogs are a licensed sanctuary who home dogs from the UK and Ireland on the island of Jersey.

December 2018 - Lifelites

Lifelites donates specialist assistive technology packages to over 10,000 children and young people with life-limiting, life-threatening and disabling conditions using every one of the 60 children's hospice services throughout the British Isles.




January 2019 - Red January 

RED January is a community initiative that encourages you to support your mental health by doing something active every single day. Not only have we donated money to Mind, the team at Red are all going to try and be more active and encourage one another to kickstart 2019 in the most positive way possible.



February 2019 - Jersey Children's Charity 

During the month of Febuary, we have chosen to support Scott House at De La Salle College to do a minibus pull along St Ouens Bay sponsoring Jersey Children's Charity
Red Properties will be donating money to this worthy charity who continue to do outstanding work for our community and support the boys that are taking part in this event.

March 2019 - Holidays for Heroes

Our chosen charity during March is Jersey's local Holidays for Heroes. Their aim is to provide a week’s holiday on our beautiful island, to any past or present member of HM Forces with injuries, in mind or body, attributable to their service - we would like to show our support for the amazing work they do.


April 2019 - The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion was founded by veterans after the First World War. A century on from the start of that conflict, they are still helping today's Service men and women, veterans, and their families in almost every aspect of daily life. They also champion Remembrance, safeguarding the memory of those who have given their lives for our freedom through Remembrance education and events.

(Capt Retd) Allan Brown is one of the team here at Red Properties and is also a current Board Member of the RBL (Jersey).


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